O Departamento de Matemática convida para:


SEMINÁRIO PRESENCIAL - The Fisher-Rao Distance between Univariate Normal Distributions


Palestrante: Prof. Saulo Henrique

Dia e horário: Sexta-feira, 10/02/2023, às 14h15

Local: This lecture will be held: Sala B – MAT-UnB


Resumo: The Fisher-Rao distance is a measure of dissimilarity between two probability distributions that is defined from a Riemannian metric called Fisher’s metric. Such metric is generated by Fisher’s information matrix in the space of the parametric family of probability distributions for a given statistical experiment. These concepts are in the core of a relatively new research subfield of Mathematics, in the confluence of the subareas of Probability, Mathematical Statistics and Differential Geometry and has been called Information Geometry. In this Probability Seminar, we will consider a statistical experiment whose parametric family is given by univariate Gaussian distributions. We will show the role that the hyperbolic Poincar´e plane plays in determining a closed analytic formula for the FisherRao distance between two distributions in such a statistical experiment. This talk is introductory in which some basic concepts of the subject will be approched.


O convite da palestra encontra-se no documento anexo.